My name is Tracey Ramsay and I am currently conducting a MSc research project on gratitude and well-being at Edinburgh University.
The task involves filling out questionnaires on a computer (your responses will be confidential). This will take approximately 40 minutes and you will be paid £5 for your time. There will be an opportunity to complete a similar short task, for which payment will also be made.
If you would like to take part slots are available from 9am - 5pm at: The University of Edinburgh's Department of Psychology, 7 George Square, EH8 9JZ.
Available dates: Tuesday 2nd August - Friday 12th August
Participants must be 18 years or over.
If you would like to take part, or you have any questions, please contact Tracey Ramsay by pressing the 'apply' button on the right side of this advertisement to email me with your preferred date and time, or call 07927893235.