Sadly selling my stunning Marina Premium 54 aquarium as our many other pets take too much looking after so this is under appreciated. The aquarium and cabinet are only 2 months old (kick started the 'cycle' by using cycled media initially). It now is a stunning oasis offering a home to a very healthy group of fish: colourful guppies, neon tetras, 4 panda cory catfish (3 rare hi fin, long tailed ones) and a sterbai corydoras. Also included are plants, mossballs, a Tor like ornament, lovely piece of bogwood etc. Haven't lost a fish and all look healthy and lively. The cabinet doors are a classy oak effect.
Aquarium Dimensions - W60 x H37 x D30cm (including canopy). Cabinet Dimensions - W60 x H67 x D30cm
strictly no offer! This is a bargain! Collection asap from Glastonbury