ID: 20948
Fabulous collection. Total of 45 cd's, thousands of tracks. All with track lists. Collection includes: Line Dance Fever Albums (numbers1 and 5-13), Toe The Line Albums (5 discs), 8 Dean Brothers albums, The Most Awesome Line Dancing Albums (numbers 1-9), Step In Line, Step In Line Again, Steppin' Country (Numbers 2-5). Also includes extra discs: The Tractors, Big House, and 2 Scooter Lee albums. A comprehensive collection for any country music fan even if you don't fancy dancing! Every disc is original. No copies.
Discs are in a handy portable Caselogic cd case which can hold 96 cd's. Price is for everything including case. So at less than £1 per disc it's got to be a snip.
Collection only. Bishopbriggs