care home abuse ??
Were you or any of your friends or relatives in any of the care homes in the Graham Care Ltd chain? These care homes are across Kent, Surrey and Sussex are are named Woodchurch House, Kettlewell House, Hailsham House, Harpwood House, Southlands House, Cornford House, Hazeldene House, Hawkhinge House, Rodwell Farm Nursing Home, and Chelmer House. Alternatively, have you or a relative or friend had problems with Mrs Jay Aylett or Barbara Sleator of Kent Social Services & Well Being, the department responsible for placing elderly, sick and vulnerable adults in any/all of the above homes. If so, please contact me immediately to learn something to your benefit. A legal case is pending against Ernest William Graham, owner of the care home chain. All replies will be treated with utmost discretion. Thank you, Sharon Biron